How to praise a child – psychologist’s tips

Even such a simple action as praise requires competence, understanding of the psychological laws of communication and perception. Otherwise, it is possible to unwittingly but seriously harm a teenager, to…Continue readingHow to praise a child – psychologist’s tips

About parenting

How to bring up responsibility in a child: 7 reliable ways

What is responsibilityA glance in any explanatory dictionary reveals that responsibility is the ability to understand the consequences of one’s actions and to be responsible for them, to fulfill the…Continue readingHow to bring up responsibility in a child: 7 reliable ways

How to raise a child without resorting to punishment?

Imagine the situation: you had a hard day at work, your boss made unreasonable claims, and your colleagues behaved rudely. In addition, you had a fight with your mother. You…Continue readingHow to raise a child without resorting to punishment?

I don’t like the child’s friends. What to do?

Let’s be honest: many of us would like to see diligent children (and preferably excellent students) among our children’s friends, who influence them in an exclusively positive way. In reality,…Continue readingI don’t like the child’s friends. What to do?

What does parental authority rely on?We must remember that the word “authority” comes from the Latin “auctoritas,” which first meant “judgment,” “advice,” and only later “influence, power,” as well as…Continue readingParental authority in parenting

Children, even the youngest ones, are amazingly effective manipulators. They masterfully use tears, entreaties, and sweet looks to get what they want from their parents. And as they get older,…Continue readingChild manipulation: how to resist it?


Strategies for open and honest communication at different ages. Discipline vs. Punishment: Finding the Balance

All successful relationships are built on the foundation of effective communication, which threads trust, empathy, and understanding across the human experience. As individuals traverse different stages of life, the techniques…Continue readingStrategies for open and honest communication at different ages. Discipline vs. Punishment: Finding the Balance