
Timely or early childhood development

Early or timely development of a child? When parents begin to ask this question, it is important to consider one simple rule – the main thing in development – it’s not a race for achievement, and the formation of a harmonious personality. This article examines how not to overstep this fine line, to invest in the child the best from childhood and not discourage the desire for knowledge.

What is early development?
Early development does not equal early learning. Sometimes these definitions can be confused. Some parents start showing the infant cards with letters at 6 months, and at 1.5 years they give him the alphabet and begin to learn numbers.

Pediatricians and child psychologists speak out against early learning. Because a baby’s brain is not yet ready for such work. Yes, by the age of 3 he may memorize letters and even learn to read, but it does not mean that he will succeed in school. Often the opposite happens – the child loses desire to learn.

Studies in this area suggest that mental functions in children mature at different times. Therefore, the untimely development of the intellect overloads the child’s nervous system and is to the detriment of the formation of other abilities.

In contrast to learning, the early development of children – it’s soft, smooth process that stimulates interest in independent play, communication and learning about the world. This can include games of “playfulness”, singing nursery rhymes, activities with spoons, cereals, plastic lids, playful massage, reading and listening to fairy tales together. Later, you can add modeling, drawing, dancing, singing and music.

The concept of early development
The goal of timely development is to form creative abilities, to teach to make decisions independently and to navigate in the information space. The positive outcome of lessons will not be any achievements of the baby in a certain area, and developed thinking and a desire to learn.

Here are a few recommendations for parents on how to properly deal with the early development of the child, so it was timely and not harmful:

  1. communicate more.
    Communication – one of the most important skills in today’s world. And the initial communication skills are acquired in the family. Communicate with your baby from birth, showing and telling him or her about objects at home and in the street, comment on your actions, for example, when you cook or clean up. Growing up, your child will surprise you with a rich vocabulary and the ability to articulate ideas and dialogue.
  2. Add creativity
    The preschool child develops best in the game, when involved tactile, visual and auditory senses. So play with him at every opportunity, molding from plasticine, dough, kinetic sand, draw, make crafts, sing songs, watch cartoons, play hide and seek, spend time together. All of these simple activities are the foundation of useful early development.
  3. Develop Emotional Intelligence
    Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to understand and manage their emotions, their own and others. This is why it is so important to develop a child emotionally from an early age.

When your baby cries or is upset about something, tell him or her what is happening to him or her, why he or she is feeling it and how to deal with it. Also show by example how you control your emotions. Your child needs to see his parents as a support, to feel supported and to learn from those closest to him.

  1. Include movement games
    Motor activity directly affects the development of intellectual abilities. If your child is very young, pay more attention to the development of fine motor skills: play with cereals, buttons, beads, etc. (just don’t leave your baby unsupervised). For older children, sports, movement games at home and outdoors are suitable.
  2. Do not choose one method
    Now there are a lot of different techniques for the early development of children. But should we be limited to any one? Of course not. Children are all different and you need to look for a technique that will please your child. And the best way to take the appropriate tools from different techniques, combine them into their own, and work with a child on an individual program.
  3. Allow freedom of choice
    Undoubtedly, adult support is important for a child, but it’s just as important for him or her to be able to have his or her own experience. For this purpose, give him/her freedom of choice more often, for example, let him/her decide himself/herself what to wear, what kind of club to sign up for. The conclusions that the child will make on the basis of his/her own experience will teach him/her to analyze information and actions and apply it in life.

Important: if you are trying a new kind of activity with your child and you see that he does not react in any way, it means he is not interested yet. It is worth to do something else.